Need some ideas for extension and enrichment with your student learners? Click to access some activities both free and paid ideas. This is a great area of your class to integrate technology to help individualize learning. Classroom resources for teachers at all levels. These resources blend teaching and learning easily. Web page is being updated, check back soon.
Grab some fun classroom resources for teachers with ideas to integrate STEM, coding, and robot technology into your classroom. Grab free challenge cards include Bee Bots, Indi Cars, Finch, Ozobot, and more. Great teaching and learning materials for technology integration. These are great for Maker Space activities, station work, and indoor recess.
Linked is a plethora of free classroom resources for teachers to use with your professional learning community and students. Be sure to check out this list of cool websites you might be interested in using with your students. Better yet, it's categorized so you know "how" the sites could best be used in your class.
Let's explore time saving tips for teachers. Ideas to make teaching with technology a little easier. Here you can find some templates, guides, resources, and more. Want to actually dive deep and learn for yourself? Click on self-paced learning section for teach the teacher help. This web page section is being updated, check back soon.
Want to learn how to do things on your own? Check out our self-paced learning materials. Follow our YouTube Channel, check out one of our courses, listen to our super short micro-podcasts and more. Also follow me on social media to get quick and easy tips and resources.
See what we have to offer. We have tons of ready made lessons, activities, resources and so much more. Grab something to implement in your classroom tomorrow. You don't have to be a tech expert to use these products, most are ready to deliver straight to students. Browse today, lessons are ready for tomorrow!